Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Whose World Is This???

I have no idea what my world view is..... Alright, maybe I do.  In my limited time on this planet I've spent the majority of it on this corner of the nation and the entirety of it fortunate enough to be a United States citizen.  Having never left the nation, my views can really only be based on my personal experiences and what I've been shown and read through media outlets.  I guess my world view can partially be attributed to my parents and upbringing as well as the community I grew up in although my outlook on a lot of things are completely different.  I was narrow minded, dumb, and a "zombie" maybe until about the ripe age of 16.  Up until that point, the only thing that mattered to be was how much money I could make in a dice game and how many points Kobe Bryant scored.  Don't get me wrong, those things are still important to me but I have come a long way and recognize there is so much more out there and the world doesn't revolve around me.

Sometimes I just sit back and am amazed at the wide array of circumstances one can be born into on this vast planet populated by billions of people.  What us Americans consider poverty may be considered luxury on other parts of the planet.  We may work hard but we also take a lot for granted when it can all be taken away at any given minute.  I feel that a lot of our views are socially constructed such as the idea that we are supposed to work a 9-5, buy a house, have a family, etc.. We value paper currency.  We often don't pay attention to our use of natural resources and feel a sense of entitlement, not understanding that what Earth provides us is limited.  We start wars and kill people to further ourselves and exercise positions of power.  It's the way of the world.  Not to view everything as negative but in order to improve you have to be critical.  There are many beautiful aspects of the world as well, natural landscape to begin with.

I don't know the purpose of our existence or what we're here for but I do believe we need to continue to work together as a whole to live in harmony around the globe.  We need to try to understand each other and embrace diversity instead of trying to force beliefs on others, telling them how to live.  We need to take care of our resources rather than exploit them.  Help our local and international community out when in need.

As cliche as it may be, movies like Scarface (I understand it's fictional) have shown me that everyone has their own path in life.  I'm an avid Texas Hold 'Em poker player so I understand that it's not the hand you are dealt but how you play the cards.  I control my destiny.  The World Is Mine.  I seek knowledge, truth, and wisdom in this world while just living life.  I'm sure as my brain grows more my view of the world will change along with the many experiences and people I encounter.  In my humble opinion, Michael Jackson's music embodies what a perfect world would be.  All love and caring.  Fortunately, we all have our own prerogative  and make our own decisions daily, which leads to a world full of people with diverse values and personalities.  Sorry, this is long.

Ok bye.


  1. "I feel that a lot of our views are socially constructed such as the idea that we are supposed to work a 9-5, buy a house, have a family, etc.." Yes, I agree--we most definitely live in a socially constructed reality. Good or bad? It's hard to say. What would an alternate reality look like? I also like this statement: "I'm an avid Texas Hold 'Em poker player so I understand that it's not the hand you are dealt but how you play the cards." I don't play poker (the few times I have played, it's been with peanuts, and I lost my entire stash!), this is very true--life often deals what looks like a bum hand, but you just have to make the best of it and go on, lending a hand to others who are also struggling. . . .

  2. I feel that world is mine. You are right, sometimes we only care us, The U.S., we need to look aroung the world. Especially, I strongly agree with your statement,"We often don't pay attention to our use of natural resources and feel a sense of entitlement, not understanding that what Earth provides us is limited. We start wars and kill people to further ourselves and exercise positions of power." I think the U.S. abuse our power for only our wealth country. It's time to care the other countries.
